ProLife Endorsements - Send to Friends
California ProLife Council (CPLC) PAC is established to follow state and federal election law in the endorsement or opposition of candidates. CPLC is the California affiliate of the nationwide team of the National Right to Life Committee.
The Board of CPLC PAC is guided by definitive standards. Candidates must: 1) affirm commitment to specific issues of public policy (Because many people may use the phrase 'pro-life' with looseness and redefine it to suit their own purposes); or 2) prove commitment via a voting record while in office.
The major political parties have established positions on Life. The Republican Party seeks to maintain the right to life for the vulnerable. The Democrat Party seeks abortion on demand, government sponsorship of abortion, and other uses of medicine to kill human beings. Exceptions to these party positions will be noted.

Governor John Cox
Controller Kostas Roditis
Secretary of State: Mark Meuser
Atty. Gen Steven Bailey
Board of Equalization 1st District Ted Gaines
Board of Equalization 3rd District G. Rick Marshall
Board of Equalization 4th District Joel Anderson
Ballot propositions:
We recommend:
"NO" on Prop 8 - it creates government-rationing of dialysis treatment
Congressional Races
CD 36 Kimberlin Brown Pelzer
CD 42 Ken Calvert
State Senate
SD 28 Jeff Stone
AD 67 Melissa Melendez
AD 71 Randy Voepel
AD 75 Marie Waldron
* WE are still receiving questionnaires at this publishing. This list may have minor adjustments before election day. Thank you.
Riverside County Local Endorsements
Murrietta Valley Schools -Nada Higuera
Corona City Council - Shawn Kelley, Doug Husen, Jeremy Mercer