ProLife Endorsements – Send to Friends

Governor John Cox
Controller Kostas Roditis
Secretary of State: Mark Meuser
Atty. Gen Steven Bailey
Board of Equalization 1st District Ted Gaines
Board of Equalization 3rd District G. Rick Marshall
Board of Equalization 4th District Joel Anderson
Ballot propositions:
We recommend:
“NO” on Prop 8 – it creates government-rationing of dialysis treatment
Congressional Races
CD 1 Doug LaMalfa
CD 2 Dale Mensing
CD 3 Charlie Schaupp
CD 4 Tom McClintock
CD 5 Anthony Mills
CD 7 Andrew Grant
CD 8 Paul Cook
CD 9 Marla Livengood
CD 10 Jeff Denham
CD 14 Christina Osmena
CD 16 Elizabeth Heng
CD 21 David Valadeo
CD 22 Devin Nunes
CD 23 Kevin McCarthy
CD 25 Steve Knight
CD 35 Christian Valiente
CD 36 Kimberlin Brown Pelzer
CD 39 Young Kim
CD 42 Ken Calvert
CD 43 Omar Navarro
CD 45 Mimi Waters
CD 47 John Briscoe
CD 48 Dana Rohrabacher
CD 49 Dianne Harkey
CD 50 Duncan Hunter
CD 51 Juan Hidalgo
State Senate
SD 4 Jim Nielsen
SD 8 Andreas Borgeas
SD 12 Rob Poythress
SD 14 Andy Vidak
SD 16 Shannon Grove
SD 28 Jeff Stone
SD 36 Patricia Bates
SD 38 Brian Jones
AD 1 Brian Dahle
AD 2 Matt Heath
AD 3 James Gallagher
AD 5 Frank Bigelow
AD 6 Kevin Kiley
AD 7 Scott Schmidt
AD 13 Antonio Garcia
AD 23 Jim Patterson
AD 26 Devon Mathis
AD 29 Vicki Nohrden
AD 31 Lupe Espinoza
AD 32 Justin Mendes
AD 33 Jay Obernolte
AD 34 Vince Fong
AD 35 Jordan Cunningham
AD 36 Tom Lackey
AD 38 Dante Acosta
AD 39 Ricardo Benitez
AD 40 Henry Nickel
AD 49 Burton Brink
AD 52 Toni Holle
AD 57 Jessica Martinez
AD 58 Mike Simpfenderfer
AD 65 Alexandria “Alex” Coronado
AD 66 Frank Scotto
AD 67 Melissa Melendez
AD 68 Steven Choi
AD 71 Randy Voepel
AD 73 William Brough
AD 74 Mathew Harper
AD 75 Marie Waldron
AD 76 John Moore
AD 78 Maggie Campbell
AD 79 John Moore
AD 80 Lincoln Pickard
Find your local endorsed Pro Life candidates.
Click on your county to view locally endorsed candidates.
Butte County
Orange County
Placer County
Riverside County
San Bernardino County
San Diego County
San Joaquin County
* WE are still receiving questionnaires at this publishing. This list may have minor adjustments before election day. Thank you.
You may also wish to see our Judge Voter Guide 2018 page.