2022 California ProLife PAC Recommendations
General Election: November 8, 2022
For local candidate information for your address, please go to vote.californiaprolife.org.
Thousands of candidates are running for California elective office in this election (Federal / State / County / Municipal / Special Districts).
Throughout the state pro-life volunteers have been interviewing and assessing them all the way down the ballot.
WE urge you to tell your friends and neighbors to vote pro-life.
WE recommend that you:
a. Retain personal possession of your ballot and hand-deliver to your county registrar or polling station on election day.
b. Check back here often, as we are receiving a constant stream of candidates details and updates
c. Stay in touch via our email alert system. We send only pro-life updates and never sell your information.This helps you stay abreast of many changing influences on elections. Please consider volunteering with us locally. 'All politics is local!'

Mike Garcia

Michelle Steel

Scott Baugh

Young Kim

Tom McClintock
Please have your ballot in front of you and refer to these endorsements as you fill it out.
Use the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet to navigate between races.
Paid for by California ProLife Council PAC. John Fugatt, Treasurer
Not endorsed by any candidate or candidate committee.