Assisted Suicide: Three Month Window for Challenge
The rules of a California Legislative Extraordinary Session state that even after the Governor has signed a bill, it cannot immediately go into effect, but await the closure of Session. This has disappointed the Hemlock, “Choices’ advocates, who want to begin killing with kindness immediately.California Law also provides that when there is any substantive change in the law, normal citizens are still given an opportunity to themselves VETO the measure (as the laws belong to them). If filed, this process allows for what is called a VETO REFERENDUM that extends for 90 days after a Governor’s signature, to allow citizens to gather signatures.
Seniors Against Suicide, a member of the Californians Against Suicide Coalition, upon the Governor’s signature immediately filed to avail of this VETO referendum process.
Seniors Against Suicide filing statement appears below.
RTL University
& The School of Life
Our Fall 2015 Launch is on!
“It’s about time! Lifers really need understanding.”
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Oct 6, 2015
Referenda and Initiative coordinator
Office of the Attorney General
Department of Justice
Sacramento, CA 95816
Dear Sir or Madam,
I do hereby submit a request a title and summary for the purposes of referring AB X 2 -15, signed by Governor Brown on Oct 5. The chaptered bill’s language is attached.
I represent Seniors Against Suicide, an organization working with other opponents of medically killing depressed and ill patients.
I am also attaching signed certifications of the appropriate election code requirements.
Thank you for your kind and speedy attention to this matter,
In addition to the pending VETO REFERENDUM, we are aware that legal counsel is examining the questionable aspects of the bill as enacted.
This battle is by no means over.
In the meantime, we have assembled one of the most diverse coalitions culturally and even linguistically, that California has yet seen.
Regardless of opposition, the message of Life is at the core of the message of civilization. “Compassion” literally means ‘to bear or share another’s burden.’ When instead of comforting with both pain management and emotional counseling, we simply terminate a needy patient, society is not ‘sharing their burden’ or in any way elevating them, but reducing them to the level of a pet or other domestic animal.
It takes nothing to speak.. it costs everything to be silent.