CPLC has conducted several projects over the years to train pro-life youth to defend Life
Where Do They Stand?
Do you really know where candidates stand on abortion? Click to find out
Life Fest Film Festival
Learn more about this world-wide film festival that showcases films affirming the importance of Life
Fall/Winter Newsletter
Welcome to our Fall/Winter ProLife newsletter! Our newsletter is an online and direct-mail newsletter that covers the latest prolife news, events, stories, and updates on our pro-life movement.
In this issue, you’ll find a a call to action to vote in California’s upcoming General Election; an action alert to inform you about how to get involved in this election; an update on sex-selective abortion in California; a message from Executive Director, Brian Johnston; and other featured columns!
2014 General Election Voter Guides
We have gathered questionnaires, combed through news reports, and tracked voting records
CPLC PAC Ballot Endorsements
California ProLife Council PAC has been working for you and for the cause of Life